Customer success stories
Learn how forward-thinking housing providers use Home Connections products to enhance digital experiences, prevent homelessness and improve work processes

Lewisham Council rehouses over 130 households via Homefinder UK
Lewisham Council is one of the over 50 local authorities that have joined Homefinder UK to access extra social housing across the UK.
The challenge…

Building an Intermediate Housing Register for First Homes & Low-Cost Home Ownership
Basingstoke & Deane cut down on the use of spreadsheets and emails, thanks to a new Housing Register dedicated to First Homes and Low-Cost Home…

Developing MyHOME: a self-service early prevention app to tackle homelessness
We partnered with Leicester City Council and other boroughs of Leicestershire to develop a new app, MyHOME, aimed at early homelessness prevention.
Delivering a pan-London common Housing Register and Tenant Mobility scheme
Housing Moves is the Mayor of London’s lettings scheme that enables social housing tenants of London councils and housing associations to move within the…